LeprichuanProducitons.gif) |
Page last updated: 13.06.2013 |
Welcome to the official L.I.A.M.² home page, I know a lot of you have been looking for this for quite some time, but really, I just never got around to making it.
L.I.A.M.² is a fully interactive map of the city. Current features include:
- AutoLogin: Automatic Login allows for single click vampire login. This feature requires you enter your vampire name and password into L.I.A.M.², by default it is disabled when entering a new vampire.
- AutoNav: Autonav means the minimap follows you around the city. There are two types of AutoNav available, standard, and precognition. Precognition is much faster, but sometime over ridden by the standard setup.
- Standard Minimap: zoomable to 11x11, the minimap will be your guide through the city. [screen shot]
- Graphical Minimap: zoomable 9x9, this minimap gives a slightly different look at the city. [screen shot]
- Navigation Lines: drawing a line to the closest, second closest, or third closest bank / pub / transit [screen shot]
- User Buildings: Showing the locations of buildings / etc on the map. [screen shot]
- Shopping List Generator: yes, a fully featured shopping list generater. Select your shop, your items, your level of charisma, and you're good to go... [screen shot]
- Full Featured Help: yup, a help file... mind you, it hasn't been updated in a long time... I plan to add an autoupdating help file in the future... [screen shot]
- Contact Leprichaun: Report your bugs through email or yahoo messenger at the click of a button...
- Emoticon Tutorial: yup, nothin to do with vampires, but i figured most people here use yahoo messenger, might as well know the emoticons. Has a virtual chat window built into it to let you test them...
- Its FREE!: Unlike DA:IM, L.I.A.M.² is absolutely free! though i do appreciate donations.
Well, now that you're here, why not look around? The menu on the left will let you navigate the site, you'll probably be most interested in the downloads and bugs sections, but you should take a look at the 'What's New' section, and hopefully, the donation section.
Anyway, not sure what to write at the moment, so that's it for now... support L.I.A.M.² and donate today!