LeprichuanProducitons.gif) |
Page last updated: 13.06.2013 |
- I should have updated this a long time ago, presently I do not remember ALL the bugs in 1.2.4...
- Essentially 1.2.4 is a write off... I fixed one bug in a hurry and used an old copy of the code that relied on things that, well, no longer exist. It's just not a functional version of L.I.A.M.²...
- 1.2.5 is on the way though :) It should have most, if not all (as previously stated, i don't remember all the problems), the problem with 1.2.4 corrected. Idealy all the problems with 1.2.3 and previous as well... :)
- still having a memory overflow with guild updates, but the invalid data crash has been fixed.
- have not updated the help file in quite some time, though that's not really a bug...
- have not specified with pretty colours and giant flashing lights that the donate button is donating for the map...
- Guilds update still crashes when data is entered impropperly
- Scripting errors when RB makes a mistake in the city... (re: april fools 2007)
- Error with shopping list calculator on items such as dandilions, cost can be off by up to 0.5 coin / item.
- Startup Crash: This bug is triggered the first time you use L.I.A.M.² 1.2.1. It will run the second time you run it. It is also triggered if you run L.I.A.M.² from within the zip file, or delete your .dat files.
- About Box: Looking at the about box triggers the first vampire on your list to login automaticly (assuming you have autologin enabled for that vampire and also enabled presently).
- Missing File MSCOMCTL.OCX: This is not a bug. This error occurs on some computers because L.I.A.M.² does not use an install program. I did this so the program would not be invasive. MSCOMCTL.OCX is not a standard windows file, and as such, is not present on all computers. If you are running into this error, please go to the downloads page and download this file. To avoid installation of this file, save it directly to your L.I.A.M.² directory.
- Missing File SHDOCVW.DLL: This is also not a bug. This file should exist within windows, but if you are a diehard anti-microsoft person, you may have deleted it in an attempt to fully remove internet explorer from your system. This was a stupid thing to do, but you probably know that from the various errors you receive randomly in windows. Again, if you don't want to install it, you can just save it to your L.I.A.M.² directory, and windows can remain Internet Explorer free...
Found an error that isn't listed? Email me about it here. Include the version number of the L.I.A.M.² program you are using, and a description of the error. Let me know what you were doing when it happened (well, just with my program, I don't so much care about what you were doing in the city). Please include the exact error message (Title, Message, [Buttons])